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2GW Platform

The 2GW Program

One fits all: a new standardised platform, a new certified cable system, a higher transmission capacity – all with the least environmental impact possible. The 2GW Program serves the ground for our next generation offshore grid connection systems.

More wind energy for Europe

Setting a new beat for the energy transition

The European energy transition is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Its goal: to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. To meet both the rising demand and net-zero, member states must quickly ramp up their renewable energy supplies. Offshore wind energy from the European Powerhouse North Sea will play a crucial role in tackling this challenge. The European Union acknowledged this in its 2020 offshore wind strategy and, thus, defined ambitious offshore energy goals: at least 60 GW of offshore wind capacities by 2030 and 300 GW by 2050. As Europe’s leading offshore transmission system operator (TSO), TenneT answers to this historical challenge with the 2GW Program.  

To deliver the much-needed green energy to land, TenneT will build at least 14 high-voltage direct current (HVDC) offshore grid connection systems with a transmission capacity of 2 gigawatt (GW) each in the Dutch and German North Sea by 2031.  Once implemented, they will…   

Icon Supply … supply up to 35 million households with green wind energy from the North Sea.
Icon Expansion … deliver a capacity of 28 GW – the envisaged 18 GW by 2030 will cover 30% of the EU’s 2030 offshore expansion targets.
Icon Environment … reduce environmental impacts by up to 50% through a higher transmission capacity per system.


The 2GW Program will contribute substantially to the Dutch, German and European offshore wind targets. With its holistic approach, a high level of standardisation and state-of-the-art technology, it will change the heart of European energy: away from fossil fuels toward a secure and independent supply with energy from home. Clearly, it sets a new beat for the European energy transition.

Making wind energy from the North Sea scalable

A new standard for offshore grid connection systems

Together with our partners, we have formulated a thorough blueprint for future offshore grid connection systems, which will increase the pace of the energy transition and boost grid expansion in the powerhouse North Sea. Our new standard will reduce the need for resources and the impact on the environment – while providing more energy than prior systems.  

2GW grid connection system

To achieve high technical standards, we have forged innovation partnerships with leading market parties from around the world. The results are more than impressive. The programme’s standardised one-fits-all 2 GW HVDC offshore platform and a new 525 kilovolt (kV) bipolar cable system maximise capacity while minimising the environmental impact. For 28 GW, we only need 14 grid connection systems – or less than half as many compared to previous systems.  

2GW Program Cabel

The new cable system is a bundle of four individual cables. It consists of a negative and a positive 525 kV pole, a metallic return and a fibre-optic cable. The system has a significantly higher capacity than its predecessors and enables a more cost-efficient transmission over long distances. It also reduces environmental impact as fewer cables are needed to transmit the same amount of energy. The metallic return built into the new cable system ensures that the system can continue to operate at 50% of its capacity even in the event of a cable fault. 

The cable system is isolated with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). This technology enables transmission over long distances with lower system losses. It also reduces the overall weight of cables, which simplifies their transport and reduces the environmental impact on the ground. 


2GW Platform

Together with partners from our industry, we successfully developed an innovative and standardised multi-vendor HVDC platform model featuring technology that will ultimately enable us to guarantee a transmission capacity of 2 GW – or more than twice the capacity of previous systems. The new design also features a total of four transformers inside the platform, which increase the energy collected from surrounding wind farms to a higher voltage before it enters the converter halls. Moreover, the platform works with a so-called “oil natural air natural” (ONAN) cooling system. Using this system, the transformer’s oil is circulated in the system’s integral cooler banks, which are located on the platform’s balcony, and cooled by the surrounding outside air. The new cooling system reduces the number of auxiliary systems, the need for maintenance, and the amount of energy consumed. At the same time, it makes our transformers more robust. This has already been proven by the cooling system’s successful implementation on our 700 MW AC platforms off the Dutch shore. 

Offshore Overview Visual Interconnecting

Our new platforms are planned to be multi-terminal ready. In the future, they could potentially also link offshore converters and energy systems, even across borders. With this degree of technological innovation, the 2GW Program paves the way for a fully meshed European cross-border HVDC offshore grid system in which renewable energy can be allocated flexibly and efficiently across the North Sea region. 

Our current project scope

In Germany and the Netherlands

The following projects are part of the 2GW Program:  

2GW GridMap


Project Year of commissioning
BalWin3 2031
BalWin4 2029
LanWin1 2030
LanWin2 2030
LanWin4 2031
LanWin5 2031
The Netherlands
Project Year of commissioning
IJmuiden Ver Alpha 2029
IJmuiden Ver Beta 2029
IJmuiden Ver Gamma 2029
Nederwiek 1 2030
Nederwiek 2 2030
Nederwiek 3 2031
Doordewind 1 2031

Experience TenneT's new standard virtually

Virtual Reality app 2GW Program

to VR application

Facilitating acceleration

A holistic approach for offshore grid expansion

The 2GW Program is a concrete action plan for achieving Europe’s ambitious offshore energy goals through joint ownership and pioneering work. The key here is the fact that its holistic approach fosters standardisation on all levels:  

  • 2GW Technology

    2GW Technology

  • 2GW Administration

    2GW Administration

  • 2GW Contract

    2GW Contract

Boosting Europe’s green transition from offshore is a highly promising endeavour – and an enormous challenge. More and more wind farms as well as offshore grid connection systems must be built in less and less time. At the same time, fragile supply chains and sharply rising prices on the world market, such as for raw materials, make prompt and cost-efficient implementation increasingly difficult. We have to deal with these challenges together – in a collective feat of strength. Given these circumstances, we have made partnership a core value in our operations and fostered a fundamental change in values. Together with the market, we now form even stronger partnerships. We are committing to each other and will – as a team – facilitate expansion in a safe and sustainable way, manage costs and conserve resources. Forming the foundation for this will be mutual trust and transparency. 

In close collaboration with the market and in accordance with our 2 GW standard for offshore grid connection systems, we have launched an innovative market approach. Instead of tendering each offshore grid connection system individually, we now form framework agreements for technological components for a whole series of systems with several partners at once.

Deep Dive: Framework Agreements 

Our large-scale offshore tenders for on- and offshore stations and the corresponding HVDC systems are a true showcase for long-term commitment to a swift and rapid offshore grid expansion: more than 15 grid connection systems, a cooperation with key market partners for up to 14 years, and a total volume of at least €30 billion. The same holds true for our second framework agreement for our innovative 525 kV cable system. Together with selected production and installation partners, we will deliver cables for more than 10 grid connection systems in Germany and the Netherlands by 2037, both on- and offshore. Drawing from a total order volume of around €10 billion, we will team up for at least eight years. With our framework agreements, we are addressing the big picture and providing a holistic and concrete action plan to further accelerate offshore grid development in the North Sea – and to deliver in scope and budget.

2GW Program Tim Meyerjürgens

Tim Meyerjürgens, Chief Operating Officer at TenneT

“With a total investment of roughly €40 billion, we are providing maximum planning security for everyone involved, and increasing much-needed market capacities. We will set incentives for further investment, for creating and securing jobs and for establishing new industries in the vicinity of our systems.”


Tim Dampmann

Tim Dampmann

Senior Advisor Corporate Communications & Press Officer 2GW Program
Mathias Fischer

Mathias Fischer

Spokesperson – Grid expansion Onshore Northern Germany & Offshore, Sector Coupling, Energy Policy and Industrial Strategy Northern Germany, Finance, Flexibility & Innovations