About TenneT
Our purpose is to connect everyone with a brighter energy future
Who we are
Next time you turn on the lights, take a moment to think about where that power comes from. In the Netherlands and Germany, it was very likely brought to you by us, TenneT. We own and operate over 25,000 kilometres of high-voltage lines and cables.
As the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the Netherlands, and a significant part of Germany, TenneT owns and operates over 25,000 kilometres of high-voltage lines and cables. We deliver electricity to 43 million domestic and business users, safely and reliably, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. With over 7,400 employees in two countries, we are driven by our mission to ensure the lights stay on and that power is available, at the flick of a switch, whenever and wherever you need it. Find out more about our organisation
To do this, we design, build, maintain and operate a high-voltage grid stretching across land and sea. This carries electricity from where it is made – including a rapidly increasing proportion of wind and solar energy – to where it is used. We carry it over ground, underground, under the sea and across borders, over our rapidly expanding high-voltage grid. With a service level as high as 99.99963 %, we are one of the best in the world at our job.
What we do
We deliver electricity to 42 million domestic and business users, safely and reliably, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year
As the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the Netherlands, and a significant part of Germany, TenneT owns and operates over 25,000 kilometres of high-voltage lines and cables, we deliver electricity to 43 million domestic and business users, safely and reliably, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
With over 7,400 employees in two countries, we are driven by our mission to ensure the lights stay on and that power is available, at the flick of a switch, whenever and wherever you need it.
To do this, we design, build, maintain and operate a high-voltage grid stretching across land and sea. This carries electricity from where it is made – including a rapidly increasing proportion of wind and solar energy – to where it is used.
We carry it over ground, underground, under the sea and across borders, over our rapidly expanding high-voltage grid. With a service level as high as 99.99%, we are one of the best in the world at our job.
Being a grid operator makes us responsible for the security of the electricity supply and for maintaining the grid balance. This goes far beyond just keeping the lights on – it involves critical tasks such as the upkeep of the grid, investing in new infrastructure and ensuring all market parties can access the grid.
We have sophisticated control systems to keep the grid in balance. This is crucial, because if the demand for electricity exceeds supply, it can lead to a blackout.
To prevent such outages, we play a prominent role in developing cross-border connections and market solutions for distributing electricity in Northwest Europe. As the first truly cross-border TSO, TenneT is one of Europe’s largest investors in national and cross-border transport capacity on land and at sea, bringing together the Northwest European energy markets and driving the energy transition in Europe.
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We are driven by our mission to make sure the lights stay on, and that power is available whenever and wherever you need it. Our main task is to secure electricity supply to almost 43 million people that live in the areas we serve. To realise this, our primary tasks are to provide electricity transmission services, system services and to facilitate the energy market.