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The LanWin2 project will open a new chapter in the future meshing of the direct current grid.

Schleswig-Holstein, North Sea
new construction
  • LanWin2
Header BalWin3 LanWin4


2000 megawatt direct current link

LanWin2 carte EN

The LanWin2 project opens a new chapter in the future meshing of the direct current grid. While all direct current systems at sea and on land were previously point-to-point connections, the converter on land is being created as a so-called multiterminal hub. Multiterminal hubs are unique DC hubs in Europe and are important for realising the energy grid of the future. They link the grid connection systems at sea with the direct current connections on land. This creates a meshed direct current grid.

The HeideHub (multiterminal hub in the Heide search area) will supply electricity to the Heide region through two direct current connections: LanWin2 and LanWin3 (50Hertz). LanWin2 in particular will supply 2000 megawatts (2 gigawatts) of renewable wind energy from the North Sea once it is in operation. Thus, TenneT´s offshore grid connection systems contribute to significantly strengthen the energy security in Germany.

length, capacity

  • 270 km
  • 2 GW


  • 2030

Connection concept

Bringing wind power reliably from sea to land.

Each grid connection consists of an offshore converter in the North Sea and an onshore converter, which will be installed in the Heide region. The converters are each connected by a high-performance cable system. These cables each consist of a positive and a negative pole as well as a metallic return conductor.

In the converter at sea, the three-phase current generated by the wind farms is turned into direct current and then transported to the mainland via the cable system. From the landing point on the Schleswig-Holstein coast, the electricity runs through underground cables to the converter on land. Once it reaches the converter, the direct current is converted back into three-phase current and fed into the extra-high voltage grid.


2 GW grid connections

Securing the supply of green energy

LanWin2 is an important part of tomorrow´s energy supply - for the region, for Germany, for Europe! The high-performance grid connection emphasises the green transformation of the energy state of Schleswig-Holstein and makes an important contribution to security of supply in Germany.

2GW program

LanWin2 is part of the 2GW program. With it´s transnational approach and a new standard for offshore grid connection systems, the 2GW program both accelerates the European offshore grid expansion and secures the energy supply for Europe. Together, the 14 offshore grid connections in the 2GW Programme will be supplying up to 35 million households with green wind energy.


Technical innovation protects valuable natural areas.

Due to its innovative design and higher capacities, LanWin2 is more environmentally friendly than previous grid connection systems. Environmental protection and sustainability are also top priorities during construction: TenneT is using only modern and particularly environmentally friendly technologies to protect the sensitive nature of the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park. For example, TenneT uses Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to cross roads, rivers, railways and dykes in an environmentally friendly way. Using this method minimises the need for intervention and enables trenchless cable laying.


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Cornelia Junge

Spokesperson - Project Communication Offshore