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Border between Denmark West and Germany

Information about the multiple auctions

Information on coordinated long-term auctions

All auctions for at the border between Denmark West and Germany/Luxembourg are carried out in cooperation with tha Danish TSO for all cross-border traffic between the bidding zones Germany/Luxembourg and Denmark West Long-term aucioning transactions are performed by Joint Allocation Office S.A. (JAO).

Auctioning rules for the explicit monthly-based and annual-based auctions as well as the BNetzA approved nomination rule proposal are available here: 

JAO resource center 

Information on coordinated, explicit day-ahead auctions

Since the introduction of Day-Ahead Market Coupling in the NWE region the border between the bidding zones Germany/Luxembourg and Denmark West are managed as a part of the Multi Regional Coupling (MRC). MRC is performed together by a cooperation of European power exchanges and TSOs. 

Relevant information on MRC is available here:

Information on coordinated implicit intraday allocation

Free intraday capacity assignment at the border Denmark West – Germany/Luxembourg is happening via the Single Intraday Coupling solution (SIDC).

Relevant information on intraday trade is available here:

More information

Capacity asignment preview (NTC) Denmark