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Transport services

TenneT transports electricity along the high-voltage grid from where it is produced to where it is consumed.

Connecting electricity producers

The electricity supply is transmitted along separate systems in the Netherlands and Germany. TenneT is responsible for connecting electricity producers – whether onshore or offshore – to the high-voltage grid. We also ensure the transmission of electricity across this grid. TenneT does not distinguish between producers and is obliged by law to connect all parties to the grid, from coal-fired power plants and wind farms to small-scale horticulturalists.

TenneT is not the only grid operator that transports energy. The regional grid operators also provide this service to the parties connected to their grids, including households. However, we are the only grid operator in the Netherlands with the capacity to carry electricity across international borders. In Germany TenneT is one of the 4 TSOs.


As part of our onshore portfolio, we realise projects to help secure supply and drive the energy transition. Many of these projects concern building new connections and substations as well as our reinforcement of the grid in order to connect more renewable energy sources. All of these lines help us transmit the increasing amount of green electricity over the long distances from where it is generated to where it is consumed.


Offshore wind plays a crucial role in the energy transition as the European Commission aims to connect 300 GW by 2050. The North Sea will be at the centre of this, acting as a wind energy powerhouse for Europe. To ensure that we can deliver the infrastructure that supports these goals, we are striving to connect increasing volumes of offshore wind energy to the onshore grid in the most environmentally friendly ways. 

Transmission fees

The transmission fee covers the costs incurred by grid administrators for transporting electricity.

Connection Services

System services are the services TenneT provides to guarantee the flow of electricity, resolve large-scale disruptions and maintain the balance between electricity supply and demand.

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Infrastructure management

Regular maintenance of the infrastructure helps to minimise the risk of power failures, damage to the environment and safety incidents.


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