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Standing still is not an option

With this call comes the "Maatschappelijke Alliantie" in a letter today following the elections and the current formation talks. The recent election results have put the spotlight on crucial issues such as livelihood security, affordability and the energy transition. The need for solutions and stable government policies that offer perspective and confidence is widely felt. In line with this, we call for consistent and decisive leadership from the new government in advancing the climate and energy transition in the Netherlands. Our urgent message: continuity of the initiated policy is of great importance for the Netherlands. Standing still is not an option.


The letter stresses the need for a forward-looking coalition agreement that offers prospects to citizens, workers and entrepreneurs. Here, crucial choices are needed to:

  • ensure the affordability of energy bills
  • strengthen the energy independence of the Netherlands
  • guarantee security of investment and supply
  • achieve the climate objectives for 2030


Role of TenneT

The energy transition is in full swing. TenneT holds an important piece of this puzzle. We are investing more than EUR 10 billion annually in the Netherlands and Germany in the coming years to expand the electricity grid. This means we are fully committed to building, building, building.

Together with the other grid operators, we will have to lay cables from Groningen to Maastricht every month until 2050, and one in three streets in the Netherlands will have to be opened up for work. In addition, solutions are needed for the tightness of the electricity grid. A smart energy supply, tailored to (local) generation, use and storage, is essential for this. It is up to the government to make the right choices in terms of spatial planning, nitrogen and labour market scarcity.


The Maatschappelijke Alliantie

The Maatschappelijke Alliantie consists of: VNO-NCW, MKB-Nederland, CNV, Urgenda, Natuur & Milieu, Energie Samen, LTO Nederland, Gasunie, NVDE, Natuurmonumenten, Greenpeace Nederland, Aedes vereniging van woningcorporaties, MVO Nederland, VNG, Stedin, Alliander, Enexis and TenneT.